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Point & Click:Week 2

Week 2

Monday Session 19-3-2018 (8 Hours)

Todays session was all about compiling our location sound resources and cleaning them up using iZotopes RX software. The first thing we had to do was go through all our recordings and compile a master file for each scene in the film. If we thought there was a chance to use any in the final project we chose them to be cleaned up. We also added markers for key events and the change of scenes.

This was a difficult process as some of the assets were not delivered to us completely synched and others had a lot of noise that we needed to remove. As we progressed in the session we managed to find what we were looking for and combine them into individual tracks for each session and consolidated them into single tracks as pictured below.

From here we processed these files with iZotopes RX audio editing software. This involved removing floor noise, audible clicks, removing frequencies under 100Hz and removing directors instructions. Unfortunately I forgot to take screenshots and photos of the process however this gave us a really comprehensive reference point to begin ADR recording at our next session.

We also discovered the location recording of the keyboard clicks was perfectly synched with the actors performance and clean enough to be used for that scene.

I had to leave this session early however, Shay and Adam stuck around a began recording some foley assets.

Wednesday Session 21-3-2018 (11 Hours)

Today we began the process of recording the ADR for this film. This is a very involved process as we discovered. I was absent for the first half of this session with mechanical problems however the boys managed to record the Gail phone call sessions with our vocal talent. The microphones we chose for recording ADR were the:

We chose this microphone for its accuracy and detail which will allow us to later EQ the recording and create the tone we are looking for. The second microphone we chose was:

We chose this microphone for its detailed representation of the lower frequencies and thought it would pair up nicely with the U87 to give us a wonderful recording to work with.

I arrived at the session after the first vocal talent had left. We were then moving onto recording the main characters lines from the bedroom scenes and the bedroom scene voice overs. This was a fun session and a great learning curve. We had to remain vigilant at keeping the vocal talent well hydrated to avoid capturing his lips sticking together in the recordings.

We also had to work the script as we went along, improving the dialogue to translate better to the audience. This session also validated our work on Monday as there was a lot of improvisation on set and having an accurate reference track to play back to the vocal talent was invaluable in getting a great performance that worked well with the pictures.

Using our playlists we created two tracks for each actor with the best takes of each line and created our comped file ready for processing.

At the end of the session the boys played back to me the recordings they secured in the afternoon. I was a little horrified to hear a page turning in the middle of every take for one of Gail's monologues. This showed to me the importance of a fresh set of ears as well as accurately checking our recordings before moving on to the next lines in the piece. We resolved to try and clean up the recording with RX or re-record it in another session.


This was another good week for the team. We stayed true to the production plan and are on track for our due date. I was a bit disheartened that no one had heard the page turns in our voice recordings as to me it was clear as day. I've decided this week to put all my efforts into this project and put my dance music projects on hold for the time being and focus all my efforts on making this project the best it can be.

Working in a group requires good communication to keep everyone on track I had some mechanical issues and was stuck by the side of the road. Using our group chat I was able to let the group know I'd be late and allow them to continue on with the project without me. We have a great group that all understands and communicates quite well. Its a pleasure to work in groups like this.

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