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A short film

Today was the beginning of a new and exciting project for me. I have been invited to come on board as the mixing engineer for a Jamey Brown short film entitle "The Point and Click of No Return".

(Rice, 2018)

Audio Team

We have a great team for this project and I'm really excited for this challenge. Having never been a part of a film before this project will test our skills and provide an amazing insight into the film industry and where our audio skills may fit. I personally will be striving to learn all I can about final stereo mix down and 5.1 mixing.

Shay Jagger Mitchell

  • Team Manager

  • Main DAW operator

  • Recording

  • Editing

Adam Higginson

  • Foley performance

  • Recording

  • Editing

Jaxon Arundell

  • ADR

  • Recording

  • Editing

Patrick Duck

  • Mixing & mastering

  • Final Mix Engineer

  • Recording

  • Editing

This is a great team I've worked with these engineers before and we really work well as a team.

The Plan

We had our first production meeting with the entire film crew on February 2nd which was great. We all introduced ourselves and discussed our individual roles for the film. As audio we designated the roles you see above and what was required from the director. With filming starting the following week we discussed sound requirement with Shay joining the on set team as recording engineer and helping out with boom operation.

As I am in charge of the final mix down and edit to be delivered I made the suggestion of recording an impulse response on both the sets to allow us to put the ADR (Automated Dialog Replacement) in the room via convolution reverb (Check out this post for more information).

We have since moved onto our pre production plan. This plan was a collaborative effort by our audio team we really got into the nitty gritty. Feel free to have a read here. As we will be under serious time constrains we vigorously planned studio booking times to allow us maximum time to deliver a quality product. We also built into our plan a 2 week buffer of additional time to compensate for any problems that may arise.

Stay tuned more to come.....


Rice, S. (2018). Short Films. Retrieved from

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