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Mastering the Revolution

I have been looking forward to mastering Permanent Revolution's new album since my last mastering session with Shay Jagger (Audio Files 20.9.2017). This album has been great fun to work on and I can't wait for the album launch party coming up 4th December 2017 Party Tonight - Revolution Tomorrow

(Permanent Revolution, 2017)

This album has been a while in the making and I've come on board for the mastering side of things as a fresh set of ears to make this project a reality.

Mastering is really fun for me I love the detail you can go to and the challenge of creating something whole out of the sum of its parts. For this I relied heavily on my ears and some really helpful information in this document Izotope - Ozone Mastering Guide.

Mastering a Punk Album is well outside of my comfort zone and I really enjoyed the challenge. The hardest part for me was taking my dance music hat off and really coming to terms with the production values inherent in punk music.

Shay was really great he had reference tracks that allowed me to really hear what we were trying to achieve. For each track we started with our custom preset created in our first session and then tweaked it for each songs specific needs. There was also room for being creative as I found a few spots where we just needed a touch of reverb to join the backing vocals with the track.

This project has come together really well. We payed careful detail to not letting the lead vocals be too loud in the mix as requested by the singer. Loudness was also a major consideration we had to be careful to make each song sound as loud as the one before. Using Ozon's built in metering the average LUFS around -9 which is industry standard for CD releases.

Here is a little video explaining LUFS and other loudness meters:

(Production Advice, 2013)

Unfortunately as the album isn't released yet I can not post too much here however, here is the first single from the album and once the album is released I will add a link to this post where you can get your copy.

(Permanent Revolution, 2017)


Permanent Revolution. (2017). Event Poster. Retrieved from

Permanent Revolution. (2017, October 7). Red Salute [Video file]. Retrieved from

Production Advice. (2013, January 8). LUFS - the new Loudness Units. What do they mean ? How to read the new breed of loudness meters [Video file]. Retrieved from

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