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Back to the Future Part 2

Foley session in the C24 studio with Shay Jagger and Adam Higginson. Today was our first session in the C24 consol studio recording sounds for our 'Back to the Future' project.

Today was an awesome day in the studio we really got a lot of recording and ideas down. Having only one console and one microphone with 3 members of the team we decided to divide our labour to get the most done in one session we can. Adam and Shay ran the console and recorded sounds while I worked on our production documents and session plans.

The first thing we worked on was developing a file management and colour coding system so we didn't duplicate any of our work. You can see this on our asset list file available here. We uses the simple colour code of red meaning the sound needs to be recorded, orange for sounds cleaned up and placed in place in Pro Tools and Green meaning the file is mixed and ready to be bounced. This system seemed the easiest for everyone to under stand.

If you check out the asset list file (here) you can see that sounds are colour coded and we even wrote which session these sounds were recorded during. Here is the list of sounds we set out to record using a Slate VMS microphone.

  • Key on concrete

  • Key insert and turn

  • Key jangle

  • Mat dropping,

  • Door squeaking,

  • Door closing sound

  • A more dynamic click

  • Clicking noises for the gain and overdrive dials

  • Footsteps

  • Skateboard sounds

  • Guitar chord strum and feedback sounds

  • Generating a plectrum schwing sound

  • Clocks ticking

We chose tis microphone for it's flat response as it would give us the clearest sound to work with. Check out their promotion video to see just what this microphone is capable of.

(SlateTV, 2015)

This was really a fantastic session as we all worked tirelessly to achieve our goals and really set ourselves up for success in this project. Chech out my team members thoughts on this session here Adam's Post, Shay's Post.

You can view our planning documents and file structure on our google drive here.

This team is really great to work with as always our communication is what really shines through. We are able to articulate our ideas and come to a consensus very fast allowing us to achieve awesome results in a short period of time. I am really looking forward to the correlation session this Friday to really tighten up our project.


SlateTV. (2015, October 30). The Future Of Microphones Is Here: Introducing The Slate Digital VMS [Video file]. Retrieved from

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