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Back to the future part 1

For the next few weeks I'll be working Shay Jagger and Adam Higginson on a sound replacement and ADR exercise replacing the sound from the introduction to the original Back to the Future.

(Giphy, 2017)

Studio Session 1

Today we got cracking on our sound replacement project. We finalised out production plan which you can view here. You can also check out our session plan here.

Creating our session file on Protools we left ourself room for expanding the project if time and inclination permits. Here is a the video we will be replacing for this project.

(Doctor Duck, 2017)

We decided as a team to book studio time every Saturday for the next few weeks to get this project completed. Adam, Shay and I really work quite well together our styles of communication are very complimentary and we can come to a good decision fast with a minimum of fuss. For more information on our schedule you can view out timeline here.

During this session Shay and Adam recorded a whole lot of click and switch noises in the studio using a Rode NT2-A microphone. These sounds will be the foundation of the click noises for the switches and dials in the clip. The boys also created a feedback loop through the desk to create the hum of the amplifiers powering up in the clip.

Check out Adam's post for a more in depth look at the process. Here's Shay's take on the session also.


Doctor Duck. (2017, October 4). BTTF Intro Cut Short [Video file]. Retrieved from

Giphy. (2017). Retrieved from

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