Audio Files 19.9.2017
Today I spent a wonderful 6 hours back in front of my favourite console the Neve Custom 75. It is great to get back in the studio doing something a little different.
I've had a great session today starting out with a refresher on signal flow I first set the console and Pro Tools up as if it were a live recording session. I ran some audio of my phone next to a microphone in the live room and made sure I could route the signal in all the ways possible. Including set up sends and a courtesy reverb channel making sure I remember how everything works and that the knowledge is cemented in my brain.
Everything worked really well and I was done rather fast so I decided to challenge myself. I have a folder on my hard drive containing multitrack session and I chose the version of Metallica's Nothing Else Matters. Check out my video wrap up.
(Doctor Duck, 2017)
It was really fun teaching myself how to group on the Neve as well as the challenge of routing something through every piece of gear in the studio. I really learned a lot about patching as well as the eccentricities of each piece of gear. I actually have never used may parts of this console until today and was very please I was able to work it out.
Here is the finished product if you'd care to have a listen (didn't end up on soundcloud as their copyright bot wouldn't allow me to upload, I did just work out how to stream direct from google drive however).
Doctor Duck. (2017, October 3). Neve Session - Nothing Else Matters [Video file]. Retrieved from