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For the past few weeks I've been working closely with Shon Sim a very talented graphic designer and photographer as well as a member of


After a lot of back and forward he has come up with a wonderful new logo for me. Not only has he created this but I also have multiple varients with the words in different places and in white as well as black. These are a great asset for me moving forward and will look great on future posters for gigs. Check out my new logo:


Shon has also created multiple banner images for my social media sites all uniquely scaled for each platform which is over and above anything I could have asked for. Check out the facebook one below.


I'd like to put a special mention out there for my new Soundcloud banner too. Shon suggested that he create a new profile picture with the exact features of my banner where my profile picture should be. I am really pleased with the result as it's something different to what a lot of other banners. It's been an absolute pleasure working with him and can't wait to do more work in the future with the talented designer. Check out how my Soundcloud looks now:

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