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I'm Back

(AeRoSoL31, 2017)


So I landed back in Australia yesterday at 12:00pm from the most inspiring and fun trip of my life Luminosity Beach Festival 2017 did not disappoint (Blog posts to come). There's no rest for the wicked though and I'm straight back into the studio.


Amor has been doing amazing work while I've been away our track "Silence" is really coming together. Today we spent 4 hours in SAE Brisbane's Midi studio finalising the arrangement for our piece. I must say for a track that has no levels or panning it is really sounding quite good I can not wait to get into the Neve tomorrow and see what we can create with its beautiful analogue sound.

Amor has really done well working diligently while I've been overseas and created something thats is rich in depth and movement even with the such a small amount of voices. The vocals sit quite nicely and really give the track some added feel. I can't wait to share this track with you all.

Doctor Duck & Amor


AeRoSoL31. (2017). Retrieved from

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